We see a world using technology to optimize function and improve life for all individuals challenged with mobility impairments. This simple vision drives us to serve people through our unique programs.
A world where movement is a fundamental human right.
To provide access to affordable and ongoing physical therapy and advanced technology for all individuals with neurological mobility challenges.
WE BECOME WHAT WE BELIEVE: Bridging Bionics Kids Camp & Teens
Our Core Values
Our Core Values represent what we believe in, what we stand for, and how we approach everything we do.
We uphold the following:
We conduct all business and programs in a way that is honest, transparent, and ethical. As a public charitable organization, we maintain accountability and good stewardship of the resources bequeathed to us.
Excellence and Quality Performance
We aspire to maintain a standard of excellence and quality performance in order to unleash a person’s potential. We create programs that are unique, meaningful, and experiential. To ensure quality, our programs are:
- substantially unique;
- incorporate meaningful technological innovation or creativity; and
- enhance an individual’s experience of the real world.
Reliability and Safety
Our programs hold reliability and safety as central values with regard to the technologies we use, maintaining the highest training standards, and the well-being of our service providers, volunteers, and clients we serve. To ensure this, our program:
- offers service providers and staff that are committed to quality to engender quality and trust;
- maintains up-to-date record keeping; and
- encourages athletes to be dependable and committed to their therapeutic sessions by upholding scheduled sessions and cancellation policies.
Innovation and Sense of Hope
We aspire to remain at the forefront of technology through:
- exploring and acquiring new and proven innovations;
- being an integral part of research and development; and
- providing access to new technologies that enhance neuro-rehabilitation for clients with neurological impairments.
We encourage a culture that is respectful in every interaction and form of communication between board members, staff, service providers, volunteers, clients, and any person outside the organization or in the community, whether in-person or online.
Disability can be socially isolating and financially burdensome. We aspire to bridge community by providing opportunities at low-cost to no cost for individuals with neurological impairments to engage with other athletes, volunteers, professionals, and regular gym members in an inclusive health club environment that promotes wellbeing.
Here are a few additional ways we work to establish a community for our athletes:
- collaboration and educational presentations with school districts, organizations, businesses, and professional and academic conferences to expand our outreach and build a greater community;
- organizing social events for our athletes and their families, donors, partners, staff, and volunteers; and
- the development of an online community through forums, our website, social media platforms, and more. This has the potential to engage an online community of potential end-users of technologies, medical professionals, engineers and technology enthusiasts, friends, and family members.
We believe that a compassionate heart is equally as valuable as skill and intellect. We extend our compassion to others.